Psychic Readings in Portland, Oregon
Sandra is a formally trained clairvoyant reader and teacher and provides live psychic readings in Portland, Oregon and remotely via the internet.
She started in NYC training to be a fine artist and educator. She studied with Howard Gardner at Harvard University and worked with multiple intelligences understanding we all learn differently; some learners are Logical/Mathematical, Linguistic, Musical, Spatial, Kinesthetic, Naturalist, Interpersonal, and Intrapersonal. She also believes that anything can be taught through the arts. Sandra started working with K-5th graders, teaching a different country each month so children would engage in the different arts through that country. This in turn helped the children become well rounded, open minded & caring citizens of the world. Sandra also taught creative problem-solving skills , appreciation for the arts as well as celebrating differences and diversity.
Working with a dream team of creative talented people she created a non-profit which works with over 350 students in public schools and employs 36 artists. It is currently in its 20th year. It also includes a community gallery where artists come together and show monthly. Within it is the first children’s gallery in Portland. A series of life events led Sandra to understand she just “knew” things and these experiences, including her 110 pound quartz crystal ball “Trixie” finding her , were all leading her to understand her abilities so she could do what she loves; bring people together, learn, do readings and teach. She is a formally trained Clairvoyant and Teacher in the methods of the Berkeley Psychic Institute.
Sandra started a new branch of her organization Betwixt & Between which offers psychic readings in Portland, Oregon and remotely via the internet, as well as classes on a variety of subjects. Betwixt and Between brings healers, readers and artists together to work, learn & play in a sacred and fun space.
Schedule your live psychic readings in Portland, Oregon or work with Sandra remotely via the internet today!